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The first drawing of Jeza, the one on wich all the story was attached to. He is shown walking frustrated in the street of Ferkamp, after his defeat against Dolandi, who used a cheap trick to rip Jeza off from his dream to go after his mentor trough the world. He has the nasty scar that Dolandi left him on the left eye, and his bag to go back to the refuge he left 3 years ago.
The main character of this adventure. An orphan who survive the harsh life of the slums in ferkamp, then the training of his mentor Sinjarr LANDJARRO master of the Astral Martial Art, in the ancient theatre near the lake of Iris. He is an energic young man who believe in his strenght and who rage into every obstacle. The severity of his training brought him into a no excuses mentality, making him very hard on himself and on others. He has a deep respect for his mento Sinjarr for he owe him much
An ancient Island shaven by the weapons experiments of the empire military with Reifan technology, on direct boarder of the presidential Higway. It's now a quiet sea with few column of rocks surrounding the emergency entrance of a big shelter underneath the sea. There's no known inhabitants in these sea but an eminent scientific is living on top of one of the rocks column.
The house of the scientist who once directed the weapon's experiment on the ancient island of Saïnon.
Two member of the Gunners section of the tree squad under the orders of Almaric.
A warrior from the jungle of Gwyrdd with his bone Swear, letting the incense of Selvarykk burning in his back, causing halucinations to the none initiated.
Awarrior from the jungle of Gwyrrd with his Selvarykk bone helmet & bone Swear. He also let the insens of Selvarykk burn in his back, causing hallucinations to the none initiated.
Jeza as he first witness the Astral Martial Art when Sinjarr saves his life with it
During the initiation of Jeza to the Astral Martial Art.
Jeza wearing his heat mantle, ready to confront the intense cold of the mountain refuge road.
A spy of the White empire
They have for mission to maintain security around Zelion at all time, at all cost.
A trooper ready for special water tactics operations
Zelion traveling aboard the présidential limousine while his troops transport Naween
Jeza wearing a smoking hereva lend him to accompany her to the huge train reception.
Jeza on the Space Ring Higway