> World <
(Neighboring planet)
A planet whose inhabitants have reached a great maturity long ago.
There was no war, no famine, no inequality and the technology had reached such a level that the people could devote themselves fully to the rise of spirituality.
But unfortunatly the first sun drew the planet Reifen too near burning the north hemisphere and forced the people to move on the other hemisphere first and then to travel to Lled during the mainstream after the agreement.
(Jeza's planet)
A planet lit by two suns.
At the intersection of the two rays is the area called the no man's band which cut the planet in two hemisphere. Lled just went trough a war period and is now in peace since 18 years. A peace due to the almighty control of the Empire.
Diell & Suldyd
(First & Second Sun)
The first "Diell" is the center of the system and the other planet are in orbit around him. It is essential to the life forms of Lled but is also a threat to other planets due to the fact that he slowly attract them to him.
The second "Suldyd" is in orbit around Lled and Reifen and is responsible of their night/day cycle
At the intersection of the two is the no man's band a area too hot and dry for any living form.

The planet Lled and Reifen are in parrallel orbit around
Diell ( 1st Sun ) ​
and Suldyd ( 2nd Sun ) is in orbit around the two planets
Planet LLED
The no man's band
​​It's a large area of burning sands that cut planet Lled in two. And the area surrounding the Circle zone.
It's a result of the fact that the planet is getting closer & closer of Diell the 1St sun.
Now the rays of Diell & Suldyd are additioning in this area, making it uninhabitable & impossible to cross without the proper equipment.
​​The capital of the Circle zone​​​​
In the valley of Ferkamp it is the fighters town, Ferkamp, an arsh city where it's sink or swim...
It's filled with gymnasiums with fighters teams training for the title. Other than that is the great orphanage created during the previous war, the slums and of course the Arena​
The Arena
​​The only hope to improve your lifestyle in Ferkamp and also the only way to cross the mountains between Ferkamp​ and Etow. It has an other purpose long ago but it is now property of the Boss who makes a lot of money out of it.

The Circle Zone
​​It's the zone protected from Diell Sun by planet Reifen.
It is surrounded by the no man's band and was once the territory given to the Reifans before the Breaking war during the mainstream.
It's a mountainous and cold territory only accessible by Etow trough Ferkamp.
​​A town in the wall bording the no man's band.
​It's the only town of this half of planet Lled that has any contact with the Empire of the other half. The leader of Etow has an agreement with the boss of the arena . They exchanges money, girls, Reifan slaves, fighters and water, Etow being in an arid area.
It was a capital point during the Breaking war as the only access to the Circle zone​​.